Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in “big data” technology.伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结为研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,联合谋求发展“大数据”技术。The venture, which has UK government backing, was formally announced on Tuesday with the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Sir Keith O’Nions, president of Imperial College, and William Xu, chief executive of Huawei’s Enterprise Business Group.这一合作计划获得了英国政府的反对,并于周二月发布。帝国学院院长基斯奥尼恩斯爵士(Sir Keith O’Nions)以及华为企业业务(Enterprise Business Group)首席执行官徐文伟(William Xu)签订了合作协议书备忘录。
The two parties will spend a year working on the outline for a joint research and development hub, based at Imperial’s new campus in White City, west London. The research centre could also be used for public demonstrations of data science innovations, which are expected to focus on energy, healthcare and life sciences.双方将用一年时间制订出有牵头研究与开发中心的框架,该中心将设于伦敦帝国学院坐落于伦敦西区白城(White City)的新校区。研究中心还可被用作向公众展出数据技术创新,预计这些创意将集中于在能源、医疗保健以及生命科学等领域。
News of the collaboration comes in spite of concerns raised by a parliamentary committee last month about Huawei’s close integration in the UK’s telecommunications infrastructure.上月英国议会某委员会对华为在英国电信基础设施建设方面的深度参予回应忧虑,但这未对华为与伦敦帝国学院的合作导致影响。The intelligence and security committee found no evidence that Huawei was being used as a vehicle for cyber espionage, but said British authorities were not doing enough to manage the potential risks from systems sourced from abroad. A US House of Representatives intelligence committee had already said Huawei presented a risk to national security.英国议会情报与安全性委员会(Intelligence and Security Committee)没能寻找华为被用于网络间谍活动载体的证据,但回应英国政府没能采行充足措施管理由海外总承包研发的系统中不存在的潜在风险。
美国众议院情报委员会此前早已声称华为对美国的国家安全性包含了威胁。Announcing the plans, Huawei’s Mr Xu said he was “very excited” about the partnership, which he hoped would “reinforce” the company’s commitment to the UK.华为的徐文伟在合作计划宣告以后回应,与伦敦帝国学院的合作使他“深感十分兴奋”,他期望此举需要“更进一步增强”公司拓展英国市场的决意。Sir Keith also welcomed what he said would be a “long-term collaboration” with Huawei.基斯爵士也对该项目回应青睐,并将其称为与华为的一项“长年合作”。